Friday, September 16, 2011

And this, my friend, is what I call ART.

Name: 困
Media: Plastic bottle and wrapper

Monday, June 27, 2011

BluebloodTV presents: First Intimate Contact Finale

The long awaited finale to the First Intimate Contact Trilogy. Let us all witness the courage and fearlessness a small and humble rabbit can show in times of danger....

Once again, no rabbits were harmed during the makings of this video. All actors were immensely loved and cared for. BluebloodTV would like to thank everyone who offered us support in the productions of the First Intimate Contact Trilogy. Moreover, we would like to thank YOU for taking time off your busy schedule to watch this video... :)

Friday, April 29, 2011

HK & Macau 2011

 Hi everyone, welcome back to blueblood's blog.
I know this is very belated, but try to enjoy the picfest :)

Citadines HK Ashley. This is where we stayed at.


The Peak

Landmark, Central.

The Venetian, Macau

Our room at the Venetian.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Taipei, Dec 2010 - Jan 2011

Maokong Gondola, it was a shaky and bumpy ride, and oh so much fun.

Scenery in Maokong

Tiramisu sundae from Cold Stone

Taipei 101 sitting in my hand :

Scone set from smith & hsu

Creepy rabbit-headed mannequins


Taoyuan Int'l Airport

Hello Kitty Departure Gate at the airport