Sunday, August 23, 2009

Farrer Park

Funny how unexpected life can be... I've been in Singapore since August 6, and will be here until December. And I'm staying at a hostel near Farrer Park, which is part of the Little India area.
There isn't much to do in here... I eat, I sleep, I go to smu. And that's basically it.

This feels very surreal. For each morning that I wake up, I lay in bed and pretend that I'm still in my room in Bangkok, and that I still have my NO小 with me. Then every morning I'm forced to concede that no, this is indeed Singapore, no, NO小 is still in Bangkok, and again, no, I'm not even alone in the room.

This is the first time that I had to share a room with anybody else (excluding my brother, who bunk-bedded with me when we were little), and it hasn't been a completely pleasant experience. Maybe I'm just being obnoxious, but I'm pretty sure the problems are caused by her. I've been nothing less than nice to her, to the extent that I even do her laundry for her and listen to her whine about being homesick.

I keep telling myself to just hang in there, that it's just four months, and then I'll be done with this place for good. But I'm beginning to wonder whether coming here is yet another mistake I've made.

The food is great (if you're willing to spend more), the people I refuse to comment on, the shopping is awesome when your pockets are full of cash, and the country as a whole... well, let's just say it's a very small country with a very diverse population. A very inconvenient small country.

My worst disappointment upon coming here was when I realized that there isn't a park nearby, as the name of the closest SMRT station has suggested, but mere patches of grass. Most of the grass is dried up and yellowing, sitting on top mounds of dirt and sand.