Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Disclaimer - Important, Please Read

1. This blog is only for the usage of the administrator (blog owner) and contributor who has been granted permission to post.
2. This blog does not endorse in advertisements for any agencies, companies, or the such. None of the comments that viewers may find which advertise for goods & services is the responsibility of the blog owner, nor does the blog owner endorse these advertisements, sexual in content or otherwise.
3. This blog does not get paid to advertise for PETA. The blog owner is, simply, adhering to her conscience and her belief of the humane treatment of animals. Blog content that includes pictures or videos taken from PETA's website have been properly credited, and please note that the blog owner does not receive any monetary incentives for posting.
4. If viewers of this blog should find anything discouraging or not to their taste, please note that the administrator and contributor have never meant to hurt anyone intentionally.
5. Comments are appreciated and welcomed. But please extend the courtesy that the blog owner is extending to the viewers by refraining from foul and scandalizing language. Any vicious attacks on the blog owner and contributor will serve as evidence in court. The blog owner retains all rights to lawsuit.
6. (And most importantly) If you do not like what you see, please simply close this window or click "Back." The blog owner does not invite vicious slander nor does the blog owner wish to start a cyber war in her own blog.
7. Finally, in the spirit of things, the blog owner believes in the saying that a picture is worth more than a thousand words; thus, a video clip (full of moving pictures) would be worth all of her two cents. The blog owner believes that videos and pictures convey much more than words (and this is why it is against her morals typing up all this), and as previously stated, if you don't like what you see, just leave. Nobody is forcing you to stay.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Why we should ditch furs and reptile skins:

Cold-Blooded Horrors:
Inside the Exotic-Skins Trade.
Find out more at