Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Just when I thought I didn't have any readers, the non-existent entity up there proved just how naive I was by giving me all these oh-so-happy comments. Life is funny like that.

Did I offend anyone in the last post? I hope not.

Better yet, I hope I didn't offend anyone who I actually cared about.

Please, do NOT click on any of the ads in the comments. I didn't endorse them, nor do I condone them. I simply left them there because I believe in the freedom of speech :p

One of my best friends in the whole world, B, is going back to Taiwan for his military service-substitute job. B, like myself, hasn't actually lived in Taiwan since childhood, and I know that even though he loves and misses Taiwan (and the food there), he's anxious and possibly a tiny bit scared.

Here's a shout out for B:
Sis, I want me some 小吃, be good and wait for me, I shall join you there in May. In the meantime, don't screw around with J, he's still mine :p