Monday, October 6, 2008

BluebloodTV presents: 第一次親密接觸趴吐 First Intimate Contact Part II

Ta da~~ the much anticipated sequel to the original "First Intimate Contact" is here. The sequel is longer and arguably better-executed to show our appreciation to the support we've received.

But first of all, let's recap...

Space Rabbit suddenly appears in front of Earth Rabbit, who is shocked and scared of the strange presence in front of him. They have the most unusual "first contact" and the story ends with Earth Rabbit running away from the alien and hiding in his house...

Two days later, Earth Rabbit receives another shock when the mysterious Space Rabbit appears again, demanding for food. Earth Rabbit tries to fight off the unwanted company, but can he succeed? What does Space Rabbit want from him anyway? Watch to find out...

The story:

Stay tuned on BluebloodTV for more exciting episodes of 第一次親密接觸 First Intimate Contact.

Note: No rabbits were harmed during the making of this movie. Both actors have been immensely loved and cared for.


Lostphantom said...

Lovin it!!!
Laughed my whole way through!!!

Jack said...

so the alien wabbit is unaccustomed to our common sense and is trying to be friendly by vowing to take over the planet and steal earth wabbit's food?

interesting :p