Thursday, October 16, 2008

夏目友人帳 Natsume Yūjin-Chō

夏目友人帳 is a Japanese anime I watched recently. Like most of the Japanese anime, this was made from 緑川ゆき's (Midorikawa Yuki) manga of the same name. The main character, 夏目貴志 (Takashi Natsume, referred to as Natsume throughout) has had this strange ability of seeing "Ayakashi mono" -- ghosts and spirits, since he was really young.
After moving to this town to live with some distant relatives who adopted him, Natsume is troubled by all the Ayakashi who seem to want something in his possession. The thing in question is a "Book of Friends" (友人帳) that he has inherited from his grandmother れいこ (Reiko), who passed away (altough how or why she died was never mentioned in the story).
Reiko also possessed the ability to see ghosts and spirits, and instead of befriending them, a young and lonely Reiko fought them and beat them in combat, then forced them to sign their names in the Book of Friends, thus binding them and making them her servants.
Some of the spirits loved her, some hated her, but all were pretty upset that she never called on them or visited them after beating them that one time.
Now, upon meeting Reiko's grandson, all the Ayakashi-mono are stunned at how the two human beings bore a distinct resemblance to each other, and most of them mistake Natsume for his grandma (apparently none of the spirits know about her death).
The main storyline is that Natsume feels sorry for all the Ayakashi that his grandmother has carelessly bound and trapped to the Book of Friends, and proceeds to release them.
The cutest part of this anime has got to be Nyaanko-sensei, this cat-formed higher-being who also lusts after the Book of Friends, but grows to be fond of Natsume and acts as his bodyguard against evil spirits who're after him.

As most of you probably know, I'm deathly afraid of horror movies and ghosts of any kind cuz I'm super sensitive like that, and I react negatively to scary things. This is probably the first anime/manga/movie/anything at all, in which monsters and ghosts play predominant roles in the plotline that I'm not scared of. In fact, I think it's the sweetest thing ever. It's honestly not meant to be scary or spooky, and a lot of the scenes made me want to go "awwa" because they were so cute. Specially the adorably fat Nyaanko. Plus, he's SUPER cute when he reveals himself in his true form, Madara. Overall, this is an anime I highly recommend to anyone who loves anime/cute things/a good story.

1 comment:

Jack said...

i watched this too
pretty good