Sunday, November 9, 2008

Can't beat the system

Oh fuck.
Boxtorrents has just made my life that much more difficult :(

Even tho it was probably my fault in the first place for leeching (downloading) so much of their stuff without seeding (uploading) much... but then, isn't that what everyone does?
We wait for whatever file we wanted on a P2P network to finish downloading, and then we close off the connection before it starts to seed to others, so we don't waste our bandwidth on others?
I suppose that's all very selfish of me and I deserve for "being warned" (meaning you don't get to leech at all for one week intially, and you have to seed until your up/dl ratio improves)... But then, it all seems SO tyrannical of them. Fuckin hypocrites... It's not like the administrators of Boxtorrents provide the files themselves, it's the nice saintly users who do. And all other major P2P sites let you download all that you want...

To try to beat the system and win, I attempted to create a new account with another email address, different user name/pw and all that. For a while I thought it worked, until just now I tried to sign in under that new account and it failed, saying that account was deleted. I think I knew this was going to happen since Boxtorrents explicitly said "one account per person for lifetime" but still... *pouts*

Jack was nice enough to offer to leech for me for days until my ratio improves, but that's not the point. The point is, who the hell do those Boxtorrents ppl think they are? The admin sit on their high pedestals and dictate and say shit like "I would also like to take this opportunity to point out that our Offers section is made public for people to post useful comments. Any users posting stupid/useless comments (especially 'approve this' ) will be warned" even though it is because of its users that it is able to survive on the Net. Stupid people.

Fiiiiine, I'll just switch over to BTPlus or BTchina or one of those nicer sites then... if nothing else, I could always just revert back to Foxy and take the risk of getting bad files.


1 comment:

bamboo said...

ugh, i think the real problem is openly talking about leeching files... even tho i'm one too...
(above is totally off topic)