Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Fangirls scare me

I'm intimidated by the crazy, frenzied, and irrational female species dubbed "fangirls." They emit their high-pitched screams at their idols (who really could care less) and resort to completely absurd behaviors like tattooing their favorite lines or actors' names on their bods. Ten years (or even less) from now, they're going to laugh themselves silly at how ridiculous they once were.
I know I'm being terribly cynical, but, come on, what kind of a sane person would do this? -->

and all for a fictional character too.

Yes I know Edward Cullen was a hell of a hot vampire in Twilight, but still. It's not like he's even REAL.

And Robert Pattinson's cute, but not even that hot. He would probably play a good Edward, but it's funny because I thought Edward would've looked better than Rob Pattinson as I was reading the book. Oh well.

His crazily-gelled hair turns me off. I think I liked him better as Cedric Diggory.


Jack said...

oh well... fans... :p
now all my roomies had just became ayumi fans... they all have the same ayume jacket ~"~

bamboo said...

...ayumi? now? when she's not popular anymore? weeeeeeiiird

Jack said...

i guess...
because her concerts are well... better than tw singers..?

they went to her concert in taipei... then got addicted after that...

blueblood said...

so now your roomies are not only 宅, they're 宅fanboys? don't let them get you :p