Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Just Another Day in (the now under-siege) BKK

It's Chakri Day, a public holiday today so my mom and I were planning on doing something together...

Mom: let's go to Silom, I heard the Red Shirts aren't going there after all.
Me: I just heard on the news that they arrived at Silom just now...
Mom: okay, let's go to Rama IV instead. We can go eat at that Chinese restaurant then go to Carrefour for grocery.
Me: Rama IV is one of the banned places too, meaning the Red Shirts will prolly go there too.
Mom: well then, can we go to Conrad on Wittayu Road instead. I have vouchers for afternoon tea
Me: mom... there's police all over Lumpini Park and Wittayu is waayyy too close to Suan Lum.

Me: oooh, a bomb was found in Chula earlier, luckily it didn't detonate.

Mom: oh gosh let's just stay home after all.

1 comment:

Jack said...

這個還真像是宅南宅女訓練計畫 =.=