Saturday, April 3, 2010

Mr. Francois Nars, your packaging sucks

NARS has just won the worst packaging (for makeup items) EVER in my book.

Yes, I know, some people prefer its sleek, cool, black rubber packaging, and I myself used to be one of its many supporters.

Okay, I might still love it,
if I lived in Iceland or somewhere really dry, really cold.

In Thailand's humid and extremely hot weather,
look what NARS' infamous packaging did to my hands:

The black stains are in fact, molten rubber.
Greasy, sticky. Gross.

My mom's NARS palette is covered in this gunk. Then it got onto her dressing room table, her hands, my hands (when I borrowed the palette to try to solve the gunky-hand problem), my thighs and shorts.

I had to scotch-tape the entire palette to salvage what's inside.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE NARS products. But can't they just do something about the crap packaging?

1 comment:

Jack said...

i got a keyboard the turned to the same thing ~''~
but scotch tape probably won't work for keyboard =.=