Tuesday, November 30, 2010

There was no typhoon, but it flooded in my apartment this morning.

 There was water EVERYWHERE. Since both the kitchen and living room were flooded, where would the water go next? Into the bedrooms of course.
This is my bathroom, located inside my bedroom. No小's shower room (located on the left hand side and not shown in the pic) wasn't flooded because it had a small step that stopped water from going on. See how much water was in the bucket? That's all water I mopped up from the bathroom floor.

 My brother and dad, sweeping water up in the living room.
 Again, brother and dad hard at work. This was 5 ish in the morning, I had not seen my brother up this early since high school, when we had to take the school bus at 6am.
 Dumping water into buckets to throw away.
 Post-flood: well, our wooden floor is pretty much effectively ruined.
 Flooded floor. Notice how the water had seeped into the joints between the wooden planks.
 Just for comparison. a pic of the floor before-flood. See how the wooden plank joints were NOT water-sodden?
Cupboard door, also effectively ruined.

Reason for this fiasco?

Ask the great folks at MAZUMA.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

christmas wombat

This is the mythical creature that everyone has all heard about in bedtime stories, but has almost never been spotted... More loved than Tinkerbell or Santa Claus, known for its wisdom and its ability to bring joy and peace to the world...

The Christmas Wombat.

Legend has it that once upon a time, the Christmas Wombat used to walk the very land that we inhabit, but the mythical creature, tired of warfare and human squabbling, has long since retreated to its home in the deep woods, away from humanity. Many brave and heroic stories about expeditions in search of the Christmas Wombat have been told and retold since some 400 years ago, but no one has any proof that they had seen the Christmas Wombat with their very own eyes.

A prophecy made over 50 years ago foretells that the Christmas Wombat will reappear on Christmas Eve, 2010. Will the prophecy fulfill itself? Will mankind really be so lucky as to have the great Christmas Wombat back in their tiny, insignificant lives? The world awaits in anticipation...

A picture of the Christmas Wombat that a slightly unfocused, drunken, and penniless photographer (who wishes to remain anonymous) swears is authentic.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Lookin' good, NO小

Introducing Phixr, a free online photo editing webpage that even Photoshop-retards like myself can easily enjoy. Skip the whole sign in thing and just have fun :)
Nope, still not paid for advertising stuff. Just sharing it with the rest of you because I think it's so cool.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

cell phone pics


Study date with Lucy Bai Ye aka chilling by the man-made beach in Sentosa.

Living peacocks attempting to break into Bai Ye's car. They scattered when they saw us coming.

What I miss the most about SG - my beautiful, lovable stray, whom I dubbed Sean Paul III.

See how fluffy and cute? I loved this little guy so much. It was heartbreaking when I had to leave him behind.


Local delicacies in Jingmei night market. 炸三鮮, "three kinds of fried seafood" - shrimps, oysters, and squid. Yum.

Jiufen, Ruifang, Taipei County.九份。 It was super pretty but oh so crowded. I thought we'd die before we somehow manage to get down from that  tourist death-trap.

Yay panda. (Taipei Zoo, Muzha, Taipei)


Choc-chip brownie with whipped cream and sliced banana and chocolate sauce. Just looking at it makes you fat, doesn't it. (Emporium, Bangkok)

Wild giant swimming lizard thingy, it's real and bears a dangerous resemblance to crocodiles. (Suan Sirikit, Bangkok)

Red shirts. All over Sukhumvit-Asoke intersection. Not fun.

My beautiful baby. Licking his behind. (home, Bangkok)

NO小, forced to temporarily camp out in the back balcony when we repaved all the floor in all the bedrooms. He became fast friends with the washing machine. I kid, I kid. He hated it there and longed to go back home to his shower room.

Safely back in his shower room, fast asleep.

Red shirts, blocking off the Chidlom intersection with cars and other debris. (Chidlom, Bangkok)

Displays for Songkran festival, showing the traditional Thai way of life when people still mostly travelled by boats. (Emporium, Bangkok)

Red-shirts'-induced frustration. Everywhere was closed. Could only go to Empo. (Emporium, Bangkok)

Feeling loads better after a healthy dosage of ice cream. (Emporium, Bangkok)

NO小, being his usual lazy self. (Jimmy's room, home, Bangkok)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Just Another Day in (the now under-siege) BKK

It's Chakri Day, a public holiday today so my mom and I were planning on doing something together...

Mom: let's go to Silom, I heard the Red Shirts aren't going there after all.
Me: I just heard on the news that they arrived at Silom just now...
Mom: okay, let's go to Rama IV instead. We can go eat at that Chinese restaurant then go to Carrefour for grocery.
Me: Rama IV is one of the banned places too, meaning the Red Shirts will prolly go there too.
Mom: well then, can we go to Conrad on Wittayu Road instead. I have vouchers for afternoon tea
Me: mom... there's police all over Lumpini Park and Wittayu is waayyy too close to Suan Lum.

Me: oooh, a bomb was found in Chula earlier, luckily it didn't detonate.

Mom: oh gosh let's just stay home after all.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Mr. Francois Nars, your packaging sucks

NARS has just won the worst packaging (for makeup items) EVER in my book.

Yes, I know, some people prefer its sleek, cool, black rubber packaging, and I myself used to be one of its many supporters.

Okay, I might still love it,
if I lived in Iceland or somewhere really dry, really cold.

In Thailand's humid and extremely hot weather,
look what NARS' infamous packaging did to my hands:

The black stains are in fact, molten rubber.
Greasy, sticky. Gross.

My mom's NARS palette is covered in this gunk. Then it got onto her dressing room table, her hands, my hands (when I borrowed the palette to try to solve the gunky-hand problem), my thighs and shorts.

I had to scotch-tape the entire palette to salvage what's inside.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE NARS products. But can't they just do something about the crap packaging?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Just when I thought I didn't have any readers, the non-existent entity up there proved just how naive I was by giving me all these oh-so-happy comments. Life is funny like that.

Did I offend anyone in the last post? I hope not.

Better yet, I hope I didn't offend anyone who I actually cared about.

Please, do NOT click on any of the ads in the comments. I didn't endorse them, nor do I condone them. I simply left them there because I believe in the freedom of speech :p

One of my best friends in the whole world, B, is going back to Taiwan for his military service-substitute job. B, like myself, hasn't actually lived in Taiwan since childhood, and I know that even though he loves and misses Taiwan (and the food there), he's anxious and possibly a tiny bit scared.

Here's a shout out for B:
Sis, I want me some 小吃, be good and wait for me, I shall join you there in May. In the meantime, don't screw around with J, he's still mine :p

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Disclaimer - Important, Please Read

1. This blog is only for the usage of the administrator (blog owner) and contributor who has been granted permission to post.
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3. This blog does not get paid to advertise for PETA. The blog owner is, simply, adhering to her conscience and her belief of the humane treatment of animals. Blog content that includes pictures or videos taken from PETA's website have been properly credited, and please note that the blog owner does not receive any monetary incentives for posting.
4. If viewers of this blog should find anything discouraging or not to their taste, please note that the administrator and contributor have never meant to hurt anyone intentionally.
5. Comments are appreciated and welcomed. But please extend the courtesy that the blog owner is extending to the viewers by refraining from foul and scandalizing language. Any vicious attacks on the blog owner and contributor will serve as evidence in court. The blog owner retains all rights to lawsuit.
6. (And most importantly) If you do not like what you see, please simply close this window or click "Back." The blog owner does not invite vicious slander nor does the blog owner wish to start a cyber war in her own blog.
7. Finally, in the spirit of things, the blog owner believes in the saying that a picture is worth more than a thousand words; thus, a video clip (full of moving pictures) would be worth all of her two cents. The blog owner believes that videos and pictures convey much more than words (and this is why it is against her morals typing up all this), and as previously stated, if you don't like what you see, just leave. Nobody is forcing you to stay.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Why we should ditch furs and reptile skins:

Cold-Blooded Horrors:
Inside the Exotic-Skins Trade.
Find out more at peta2.com.