Monday, September 29, 2008

"Be vewwy vewwy quiet. I'm hunting wabbits." -Elmer Fudd

According to wiki, as well as
wabbit actually refer to a self-replicating program that is not a virus nor an worm. All it does is make replicas of itself on the computer. But, not doing anything else doesn't mean they are safe. By replicating rapidly on the computer, they can hog up the system memory and result in system failure. 
Well, i guess for most of us, wabbit is known as Elmer Fudd's way of pronoucing rabbits. Hopefully this is the "wabbit" that you get to encounter, and not the wabbit programs :)


blueblood said...

Wabbit program... somehow it sounds cute as opposed to intimidating :p
So basically it's given that name because it replicates... well, like the way wabbits reproduce?

bamboo said...

sounds like cancer