Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Lisa's Obnoxious and Bitchy Guide to Life Part II 藍血兒的三八生存指南 Part II

11. Two things one should not live without – a good sense of humor and independent, hard-earned cash.

12. Two words – Retail. Therapy. Trust me, it works.

13. Read the gossip column from time to time – you don’t want to be left out in conversations, and plus, it’s funny to laugh at other people's lives.

14. Beer does make you fat. Wine is SO much better in so many ways.

15. It’s utter nonsense to assume that a woman doesn’t have a sense of direction. She does – she just doesn’t need to use it so much seeing as there are constantly men who want to show off theirs and “guide her”.

16. Do not shop for shoes online. They never fit.

17. Get a pet bunny rabbit, they make such nice pets/friends. Besides, they don't bark or meow in the middle of the night.

18. Do not order what BS wants to order – they’re most likely runny, liquid-y, puke-like substances (that cost a lot). Eww.

19. Swenson’s prices are ridiculously jacked up considering you’re only getting chemical substances-filled, hideously sweet and fattening ice cream in an AC-unfriendly environment filled with locals who trash-talk and smell bad.

20. Pouring your heart out to a relatively new acquaintance is always a bad thing, even if you were hoping to get to know him/her more in the process.


Jack said...

nice bunnies...

oh.. and about trying to put the cap on the cat. orz..
the cat would actually try to murder me if i am within half a meter. i guess i won't get to try that :p

but i have to say...
nice cold beer is heaven after a long tiring day eh...
bleh.. bad habits eh?

Lostphantom said...

puke-like substances = 王道啊!!
Addicted to guacamole recently.
Guacamole + Sangria = 直接高潮啊! 呵