Monday, September 29, 2008

In which we chilled by the pool...

I took NO小 to our apartment's little poolside garden on Saturday, and we had fun chillin' and hanging out by the pool. Check out the adorableness that is NO小 the wabbit...

Like what a friend commented upon seeing this picture, NO小 actually looks like a proper rabbit amidst all this green and blue instead of a giant monster (which he normally looks like) when he's lying around in my bathroom.

After much running around and digging holes, we were exhausted and retired to a nearby tree for shade...

We found a pretty white flower on the ground and NO小 told me that he really really wanted to wear it (hey, who said boys can't be pretty?)
And then it was still much too hot for our liking, so we hid ourselves underneath a patch of tall Bird of Paradise flowers.

Comfyness. We like flowers.

At this point, clouds began to gather and the winds were blowing and we were afraid that it was going to rain. So we ran and ran and ran, and finally made it back home. (Actually, NO小 was exaggerating - we took the elevator, and it took us less than 2 minutes to get back home... But maybe rabbits have a different sense of time?)

1 comment:

Jack said...

those pics are actually quite good :)

ahh.. it's been raining here forever.. and will be raining tomorrow too.. going to class on a rainy day is sad...