Saturday, September 20, 2008

"This is a work of art, not a toy."

Look it's my very own Smorkin' Labbit!

I first saw Smorkin' Labbits when I was hanging out with BS at Siam Paragon. They were part of an exhibition for a Japanese anime fest or something. And it was love at first sight I swear. The Labbits were just too cute -- but the price was staggering so we thought, oh well, maybe it isn't meant to be.

But then, BS took the trouble to get me one and mailed it over from the States!

SUCH a good friend.

姊姊﹐謝謝~~~~~~ 你竟然會記得Labbit的事﹐超超超超級感動的*跪拜* 最近一直都在很衰覺得倒霉爆了﹐然後Labbit就出現了說~~~讓我不禁覺得活著果然還是有好事的咩(哇哈哈有沒有這麼誇張啊)

The Labbit is just so damn cute NO小 is jealous :)


Jack said...

vinyl toy eh...
i guess it's kind of cute...
but the price is still...

Anonymous said...



I must teleports to you and see this rabbit.

bamboo said...

NO小開始忌妒了吧 XD